Each ultrasound machine will have a slightly different setup and configuration. However the functionality between most modern point of care ultrasound machines is relatively similar.
To use and acquire optimal images you need to learn ultrasound KNOBOLOGY. Effectively this extends from turning on the machines, choosing a transducer and preset, using functions to optimise your image (depth, gain, focus, TGC etc), freezing, saving stills/clips, and making measurements.
scan details
When starting a new scan generally the first step should be to enter the scan details. Sometimes in an emergent situation these details may be entered subsequent to the POCUS scan being acquired.
To input these details chose the PATIENT (select new patient) tab on the ultrasound machine. The minimum information should include:
Patient first and last names
Patient NHI (ID)
Simple relevant clinical question (e.g. ? pericardial effusion)
User details/name
Chose you required transducer for the scan you will perform. There will be presets for different scan types under each transducer e.g. Phased transducer - preset ED ECHO
These are pre-determined settings loaded into the machine for different scanning applications.
The presets are a baseline set at a certain frequency, depth, gain, and focus to start your scan
The scan can be further optimised by the user
Sonosite X-Porte Orientation
After completing the above steps you will find your image of interest using techniques discussed in PROBECRAFT. To improve your image and optimise the view you will need to manipulate your depth, gain functions, and focus.
Ensure your depth is adequate and the area of interest in your image is optimised. Generally starting with a slightly deeper field of view and then reducing the depth is a practical way to ensure you don’t miss anything of interest (e.g. pericardial effusion in cardiac Parasternal-Long-Axis view)
Reducing depth:
Improves image resolution
Makes the area of interest physically easier for you to visualise
Helps make any measurements more accurate
A general rule is that the area of interest should take up about 80% of your screen
GAIN and time gain compensation(tgc)
Gain effectively changes the brightness of the image. It is a pre-processing function amplifying the received transducer signals. It does not affect power output from the probe, as such there is no change in intensity of tissue exposure for the patient.
Depending on the particular machine the gain can be adjusted in different ways:
Overall GAIN
Near and Far-field GAIN (Sonosite X-Porte)
Time Gain Compensation (TGC)
Overall GAIN should be adjusted so that grey-scale image contrast resolution is optimal giving a smooth echotexture:
Under-gained the image will be too black
Over-gained the image will be too white
Excessive gain can result in loss of subtle differences in echo texture, and also increased artifactual echoes.
TGC function changes the gain at varying depths in the field of view.
Typically this utilised to increase the receive amplification for weak echoes from depth, and reduce those from strong unwanted echoes that are usually from superficial structures or strong reflectors.
It can also be used to reduce posterior acoustic enhancement deep to fluid filled structures
The focus is where the ultrasound beam is at its narrowest and the best spatial resolution will occur:
Some machines have auto focus whilst others will allow the user to manipulate the focal depth. The focus is usually indicated by an arrow or triangle marker on the left of the screen.
The focus should be placed at the depth of interest in the image, or just deep to it:
spatial resolution will be maximised
improved image clarity
more accurate caliper measurements
If the focus is too superficial then rapid divergence of the ultrasound beam will occur beyond the focal zone, resulting in poor image resolution at depth.
Write zoom (pre-processing function):
The write zoom is a dynamic function that allows the user to select an area of interest within the image and zoom in.
Enlarges small areas of interest e.g. early pregnancy
Makes it easier to measure small luminal distances e.g. CBD
Image resolution is maintained
Improved frame rate as reduced number of lines of sight
Read zoom (post-processing function):
Used to magnify an area of a stored/saved image when reviewing
Degrades picture with more prominent pixels
Freeze button freezes a frame that the user chooses in order to review, make measurements, or save the image.
Cine loop is acquired by the machine when an image has been frozen. The user can scroll back through a number of frames to find the images required.
Acquire/save/store button
when image is frozen using this button will save a still image
when used on an active image a video clip will be saved
Video clips
Typically the machine is set to acquire a clip prospectively
The user can change to retrospective video clip capture
Clip time can be altered but typically clips are taken at 2-3 s duration
Caliper/distance measure is used to measure required dimensions
To store any required measurement the save button should be pressed after each measurement
The most accurate measurements are made when:
the ultrasound beam is at perpendicular incidence to the object measured
the highest viable frequency is utilised
the depth is reduced as much as possible
focus is set at the level of interest
write zoom is used for small objects (e.g. crown rump length, CBD diameter)
Calculations (CALC Button)
Under different presets a variety of machine calculations will be available, the user is required to accurately take and input particular data measurements to complete the calculations. Some examples include:
ECHO - large number of quantitative calculations e.g EF, SV, CO etc.
Volume measurements
Tissue Harmonic Imaging (THI) and Compound imaging are tools used by the ultrasound machine to improve image resolution, improve imaged structure boundary definition, and reduce artifact. Different makers will use a variety of names for compound imaging functions:
Philips = sonoCT
Sonosite = sonoMB
GE = CrossXBeam
Typically these functions will be active unless the user turns them off. Generally they help to improve our image quality and optimisation.
Turning these functions can be useful in some circumstances when loooking for diagnostic artifacts. For example deactivating THI and compound imaging helps to accentuate diagnostic posterior acoustic shadowing from small objects, such as biliary calculi and renal stones.
2D or B mode
Standard grey-scale ultrasound imaging used for most POCUS
M mode
Motion mode is a single line of sight grey-scale display of motion versus time
Typical uses include:
Early pregnancy fetal heart beat measurement
Pleural assessment for pneumothorax (see Lung)
EPSS and TAPSE measurements in beside echo (see FELS)
Doppler modes (See physics)
Spectral Doppler
Produce spectral waveform from measured Doppler shifts
Pulsed wave (PW) used to determine velocity at a single point e.g LVOT VTi
Continuous wave (CW) used to measure very high velocities eg. TR max
Colour Doppler detects flow and direction
Power Doppler detects Doppler shift amplitude